Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel Dalyan
Images of Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel Dalyan
General Information
Located in a good situation for work or recreation travel, the acceptable Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel, Dalyan also combines present-day services and prominent value for that ideal stay. Its tranquil location directly on the banks of the River Dalyan makes this budget hotel specially popular with families with kids searching for short or long term lodging in Dalyan, Turkey. An effectual personnel have a prosperity of experience and visitors will adore the warm Turkish cordiality and care to detail. Charmingly styled throughout, the economic Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel has an ample variety of facilities and service. With a homely river-side Restaurant where customers able to enjoy a big variety of tasty home cooked cuisine, a hospitable BBQ region, an open-air swimming pool and superior amenities for public occasions, the Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel in Dalyan stands for ideal destination for visitors searching for long-lasting visit in Turkey.
Keysan Yunus Boutique Hotel Dalyan Facilities
Air Conditioned | Bar / Lounge |
Currency Exchange | Direct dial phone |
Hair Dryer | Internet Connection (wireless) |
Laundry service | Swimming pool |
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