Royal City Hotel Antalya
Images of Royal City Hotel Antalya
General Information
Discover all that Antalya can offer with Royal City Hotel as a base. The Royal City Hotel brags a befitting serene location with up-to-date amenities in each guestroom and excellent facilities. Every guestroom has facilities such as non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, table, hair dryer, tv. Services and facilities accessible for visitors at this Antalya lodging consist of 24hr apartment amenities, lift, bar/pub, washhouse service/dry cleaning, conference facilities, restaurant, apartment facilities. For a more enchanting visit, visitors able to seize the opportunity of a range of entertaining service, including sauna, thermal, open-air pool, park. These top-class amenities are supplemented to prime services to meet the requirements of clients to Antalya. To produce your booking at the Royal City Hotel Antalya, please enter the dates of your visit and sumbit our safe online booking form.
Royal City Hotel Antalya Facilities
Air Conditioned | Banquet Facilities |
Bar / Lounge | Business Center |
Cable / Satellite TV | Coffee / Tea Maker |
Concierge | Elevator / Lift |
Fitness Room/Gym | Hair Dryer |
High-speed Internet | Laundry service |
Meeting Rooms | Mini Bar |
Non-Smoking Rooms | Parking |
Refrigerator | Restaurant |
Room Service | Safe-Deposit Box |
Sauna | Swimming pool |
TV | Wake-up Service |
Wheel Chair Access |
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