Fonte Boiola Hotel Sirmione
Images of Fonte Boiola Hotel Sirmione
General Information
Discover all that Sirmione can offer with Hotel Fonte Boiola as a base. The Hotel Fonte Boiola brags a good tranquil location with modern facilities in each guestroom and prime facilities. Every of the hotel's rooms for guests proposes non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, daily newspaper. The basic facilities provided at this Sirmione lodging include 24hr apartment facilities, lift, bar/pub, washhouse service/dry cleaning, restaurant, suite amenities, security deposit boxes, disabled amenities. For visitors to unbend, the hotel proposes a range of amenities and service including massage, thermal, open-air pool, park. With deluxe amenities and cordiality, clients at our hotel will no doubt have an incredible visit. To reserve a suite at the Hotel Fonte Boiola, simply select your dates of visit and fill in our safe online booking form.
Fonte Boiola Hotel Sirmione Facilities
Air Conditioned | Fitness Room/Gym |
Hair Dryer | Massage / Beauty Centre |
Mini Bar | Parking |
Pet Friendly | Restaurant |
Room Service | Safe-Deposit Box |
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