Hotel Club Stella Marina Scoglitti
Images of Hotel Club Stella Marina Scoglitti
General Information
Discover all that Scoglitti can offer with Hotel Stella Marina as a base. The Hotel Stella Marina brags a proper tranquil location with modern facilities in each guestroom and first-class amenities. Every of the hotel's rooms for guests proposes air conditioning, hair dryer, tv, shower, mini-bar. Services and facilities accessible for visitors at this Scoglitti lodging consist of 24hr apartment amenities, bar/pub, conference facilities, restaurant, salon, disabled service, business area. Further to, the hotel's visitors able to appreciate the relaxation and sports amenities provided on the site: children club, tennis courts, open-air pool. Contemporary comfort and convenience are seamlessly combined to ensure the guests' satisfaction. For your reservation at the Hotel Stella Marina Scoglitti, please select your dates of visit and fill in our safe online booking form.
Hotel Club Stella Marina Scoglitti Facilities
Bar / Lounge | Conference Room(s) |
Hair Dryer | Parking |
Pet Friendly | Restaurant |
Swimming pool |
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