Tenuta Il Corno San Hotel Casciano in Val di Pesa
Images of Tenuta Il Corno San Hotel Casciano in Val di Pesa
General Information
Discover all that San Casciano in Val di Pesa can offer with Tenuta Il Corno as a base. All hotel's rooms for guests have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts. All of the rooms for guests are replete with non-smoking rooms, table, hair dryer, tv, bathtub, shower. This San Casciano in Val di Pesa lodging has on-site amenities such as conference facilities, restaurant, disabled service, babysitting, business area, pets allowed. To relax, visitors able to admire the spare time facilities provided on the hotel's property, including gymnasium, open-air pool, park. The hotel offers a warm and friendly amenities of international standard. To reserve a suite at the Tenuta Il Corno, simply select your dates of visit and fill in our safe online booking form.
Tenuta Il Corno San Hotel Casciano in Val di Pesa Facilities
24 Hour Reception | Concierge |
Elevator / Lift | Fitness Room/Gym |
Restaurant | Room Service |
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