Grand Hotel Irpinia Mercogliano
Images of Grand Hotel Irpinia Mercogliano
General Information
Discover all that Mercogliano can offer with Grand Hotel Irpinia as a base. All hotel's rooms for guests have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts. Every guestroom features non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, daily newspaper, table, hair dryer, in apartment secure, tv, bathtub. This Mercogliano lodging holds all of the amenities and conveniences you would expect from a hotel in its class. For visitors to unbend, the hotel proposes a range of amenities and service including massage, jacuzzi, gymnasium, sauna, open-air pool, park. With sumptuous amenities and cordiality, clients at our hotel will of course have an stunning visit. To produce a reservation at the Grand Hotel Irpinia Mercogliano with our safe online booking form, please choose your preffered period of visit.
Grand Hotel Irpinia Mercogliano Facilities
Air Conditioned | Cable / Satellite TV |
Direct dial phone | Hair Dryer |
Pet Friendly | Porters |
TV |
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