Liotrivi Hotel Monemvasia
Images of Liotrivi Hotel Monemvasia
General Information
Discover all that Veliai can offer with To Liotrivi Hotel as a base. All hotel's rooms for guests have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts. Suite facilities include non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, table, tv, shower, mini-bar, kitchenette. Visitors can try the high standards of comfort whilst staying at this luxury Veliai hotel with everything they need right on the premises such as 24hr apartment facilities, boutiques, bar/pub, conference facilities, restaurant. For visitors to unbend, the hotel proposes a range of amenities and service including park. With sumptuous amenities and cordiality, clients at our hotel will of course have an stunning visit. To produce your reservation at the To Liotrivi Hotel by means of our safe online booking form, please submit your stay dates.
Liotrivi Hotel Monemvasia Facilities
Air Conditioned | Cable / Satellite TV |
Direct dial phone | Internet Connection (wireless) |
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