Villa Bianca Hotel Eleios-Pronnoi
Images of Villa Bianca Hotel Eleios-Pronnoi
General Information
Discover all that Kefalonia can offer with Villa Bianca Hotel as a base. The Villa Bianca Hotel brags a proper peaceful location with up-to-date amenities in each guestroom and prime amenities. Every guestroom is with taste appointed with air conditioning, tv, detach shower and tub, kitchenette, balcony/terrace. Services and facilities accessible for visitors at this Kefalonia lodging consist of business area, valet car parking. Further to, the hotel's visitors able to appreciate the relaxation and sports amenities provided on the property: park. These top-class amenities are supplemented to fine services to meet the requirements of customers to Kefalonia. To book a apartment at the Villa Bianca Hotel, please select your dates of travel and the entire fill out our safe online booking form.
Villa Bianca Hotel Eleios-Pronnoi Facilities
Air Conditioned | En suite |
Free Parking | Garden |
Parking | Pet Friendly |
Private Bathroom | Private Toilet |
Shower |
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