Rosmari Hotel Archangelos (Rhodes)
Images of Rosmari Hotel Archangelos (Rhodes)
General Information
Discover all that Archangelos can offer with Rosmari Hotel as a base. All hotel's rooms for guests have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts. In-room amenities include air conditioning, shower, balcony/terrace. Clients can try the high standards of comfort whilst staying at this luxury Archangelos hotel with everything they need right on the premises such as bar/pub, restaurant, security deposit boxes, business area. Hotel's clients can taste on-site latest relaxation and sports amenities such as park. Up-to-date comfort and convenience are seamlessly combined to ensure the guests' satisfaction. The inn creates a balance of wealthy culture and existing convinience to ensure you a unforgettable. For your reservation at the Rosmari Hotel Archangelos, please choose your period of visit and fill out our safe online booking form.
Rosmari Hotel Archangelos (Rhodes) Facilities
Bar / Lounge | Facsimile |
Free Parking | Garden |
Parking | Photocopier |
Restaurant | Safe-Deposit Box |
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