Hotel Salzburger Hof Bergen (Bavaria)
Images of Hotel Salzburger Hof Bergen (Bavaria)
General Information
Discover all that Bergen can offer with Restaurant Salzburger Hof Hotel as a base. The Restaurant Salzburger Hof Hotel brags a good tranquil location with modern facilities in each guestroom and prime amenities. Every guestroom has facilities such as non-smoking rooms, tv, shower, kitchenette, balcony/terrace. This Bergen lodging holds all of the amenities and conveniences you would expect from a hotel in its class. To relax, visitors able to appreciate the spare time facilities provided on the hotel's property, including tennis courts, park. These top-class amenities are supplemented to wonderful services to meet the requirements of guests to Bergen. To proceed with your booking at the Restaurant Salzburger Hof Hotel, simply choose your trip dates and fill in our safe online booking form.
Hotel Salzburger Hof Bergen (Bavaria) Facilities
Bar / Lounge | Cycling |
Free Parking | Garden |
Hiking | Horse Riding |
Internet Connection (wireless) | Laundry service |
Non-Smoking Rooms | Parking |
Pet Friendly | Restaurant |
Room Service |
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