Les Ducs de Savoie Hotel Courchevel
Images of Les Ducs de Savoie Hotel Courchevel
General Information
Discover all that Courchevel can offer with Les Ducs De Savoie Hotel as a base. The Les Ducs De Savoie Hotel brags a suitable serene location with up-to-date amenities in each guestroom and first-rate facilities. Every guestroom has facilities such as daily newspaper. Visitors can taste the high standards of comfort whilst staying at this luxury Courchevel hotel with everything they need right on the premises such as 24hr apartment facilities, lift, bar/pub, restaurant, security deposit boxes, business area, valet car park. For a more charming visit, visitors able to seize the opportunity of a range of entertaining service, including inner pool, jacuzzi, gymnasium, sauna. With dainty amenities and cordiality, clients at our hotel will certainly have an imposing visit. Produce your reservation at the Les Ducs De Savoie Hotel Courchevel now by selecting your chosen dates of visit and submitting our safe online booking form.
Les Ducs de Savoie Hotel Courchevel Facilities
Air Conditioned | Billiards |
Breakfast in the Room | Cable / Satellite TV |
Complimentary Toiletries | En suite |
Facsimile | Family Room |
Fireplace | Garden |
Internet Connection (wireless) | Luggage Storage |
Photocopier | Private Bathroom |
Private Toilet | Room Service |
Shower | Towels |
TV |
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