Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie
Images of Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie
General Information
No matter the travel reasons, the Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie provides services and facilities that will comply with the arrangements. Situated near or available to plenty of of Zhangjiajie’s favorite local regions, customers able to enjoy a wide range of activities to partake in during their visit. Visitor services able to organize local conveyance from the Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie.
Rooms in the Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie are accessible for upgrade at any time. The suites are bright and fully equipped.
The big facade foyer greets travelers as they begin their visit. Here is where most of the goods and services will be provided, any time of day or night. The attendant will assist with local directions, translation, ticket services, and anything else that may be needed. Work persons able to meet their customers in the sit down district of the entrance hall or entertain them in the night club. Devices accessible for the work person to conduct their affairs comprise a fax machine, copy centre, and computer with Internet hookup. A lot of local and on spot dining choices are accessible when staying at the Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie.
Jintian International Hotel Zhangjiajie Facilities
24 Hour Reception | Air Conditioned |
Banquet Facilities | Bar / Lounge |
Barber/Beauty Shop | Business Center |
Cable / Satellite TV | Conference Room(s) |
Elevator / Lift | Fitness Room/Gym |
Hair Dryer | High-speed Internet |
In Room Movies | Laundry service |
Massage / Beauty Centre | Mini Bar |
Parking | Restaurant |
Room Service | Sauna |
Security Guard | Shower |
Swimming pool | Tour Desk |
TV |
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